How To Work From Home Successfully

How To Work From Home Successfully
5 Actions to take to ensure success while working remotely
from home.
We are living in a time where more and more people are working from home. If COVID has
taught us anything, it’s that a lot of jobs don’t require in-office work. With technology, remote
work is becoming the norm for a lot of businesses.
However, if you’ve never worked from home before, or if you’re a social butterfly - it can be
hard working from home by yourself. Whether you plan to work remotely from home for a short
period or permanently, here are 5 things to do to ensure success while working from home.
1. Have A Dedicated Office
This has to be one of the biggest things that set’s successful work from home people apart from
those who struggle. Having a dedicated space in your house goes such a long way while working
remotely because it will ensure the mindset of working from a dedicated desk that we get while
working in an office. This means your dedicated home office shouldn’t be your dining room
table or anywhere else that you need to move your computer and items to and from each day.
Ensure your ‘home office’ is your space and no one else's such as your kids' art table.
Setting-up your home office doesn’t have to be expensive, nor take-up a large amount of space
in your house. Finding a space in your house that is right for you will take a little thought and
planning, but can be very rewarding. Some things to ask yourself while choosing a location in
your house are: Is the space large enough for what I need? Will I enjoy working from this space for 8 hours a day? Does this space have enough light for what I need? Will I be easily distracted
Whatever space you choose, make it your own! Put a little money and time into setting-up a
desk, chair, lights, pictures on the walls, and anything else that will spark your appeal each day
to work in that space. There are great resources out there for bringing your office together.
2. Have A Routine
When you’re used to going into the office and then suddenly expected to work from home, that
transition can be tough for a number of reasons. One is that you’re no longer driving to work,
signing in, getting your coffee, chatting with your co-workers, having that morning meeting, and
sitting down at your desk. Which is why it's so important when working from home to keep a
routine going.
Set an alarm, get-up when the alarm goes off, take your shower, get dressed (sorry no robe), put
on your make-up, dry your hair, get your coffee, and sit down at your dedicated home desk.
When you don’t have a set routine, it is easy to fall in the trap of snoozing your alarm, staying in
your robe all day, and working on your laptop while watching TV from bed. Avoid these at all
costs as they distract you from work and prevent you from working effectively.
3. Take Breaks
Working remotely from home with no one around is great for a distraction-free work
environment. However, this also means you’re not getting-up from your desk to chat with
co-workers, going to the water cooler, or going out for your lunch break.
Set aside time, by putting alarms on your phone or in your work calendar for 10 minute breaks
during the day. These small breaks are great for taking a walk around the block, going
downstairs to get coffee, sitting on your back porch for some fresh air, taking meditation breaks,
or networking with other people.
Consider going out to grab lunch and bringing it back to your house, or meet up with other
friends that also work from home for lunch.
Every company allows breaks, take them! You’re entitled to them, and they are much needed
for our mental health.
4. Stay Connected
Working from home can sometimes feel like you’re on an island. Especially if you’re one of the
few people at your company that works remotely. Even more so if you are a freelancer and
don’t have any co-workers. Whatever the case may be, it’s very important to stay connected to
people outside of your house.
Staying connected could be in the form of written communication such as slack channels or
teams chat, but also should be in the form of zoom meetings or phone calls that are more face
to face and personal. If you don’t have meetings set for the day, reach out to one of your
co-workers for a 10 minute catch-up during one of your breaks or call a friend you haven’t
spoken to in a while.
If at any point you do start to feel like you’re on that island, reach out to your boss and ask to be
included on more things or volunteer to work with others on internal projects.
5. Set Boundaries
This last action is two-fold; it's important to set boundaries for your work AND for your friends
and family. It's essential to set boundaries to ensure a good work-life-balance.
Going back to point number one, having that dedicated office that isn’t on your dining table,
will help avoid you seeing your computer and thinking ‘oh I’ll just check that email real quick.’
Because you now work where you sleep, you need to set boundaries for yourself and your work
that you aren’t going to work after hours and that you shouldn’t be reached while not working.
Just because your desk is right there, doesn’t mean you should take care of something for work
when you’re not technically working.
It’s also important to set boundaries for your friends and family. When you start working from
home, your friends and family might start saying things like, ‘oh you work from home, just pick
us up from the airport real quick.’ or ‘Oh honey can you run this errand since you just work from
home.’ Saying no to friends and family is hard, but very important for your work life balance.

It’s not always easy to work from home. However, with these tips above, you can join the
growing group of successful (and happy) work from home people.
If you’re looking for a new job which allows a better work-life-balance, or you’re wanting to find
a work from home job, we’ve got you covered. Click this link to get started searching for your
next remote job


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